Newborn Photo Sessions

These precious, slow-paced photo sessions are in the comfort of your own home. My aim is to capture the love and bond that is developing with the newest member of your family. We don’t need to rush the pictures, but focus on enjoying the moments with your new baby. Inevitably the baby will need to eat, be changed, or soothed during our session, and that is exactly what I want you to do. The baby’s needs come first.

My lifestyle approach to newborn photo sessions encourages you to hold those tiny toes and notice the size compared to your strong hands, smell that new baby scent from the top of their head, and listen to the small squeaks and sounds that come from their little mouth. These pictures not only document this season of life, but will help you focus on and remember all the small things that made you first fall in love with your sweet baby!

newborn baby yawning in dad's hands
new big brother looking at newborn sister
twin babies swaddled
reflection in mirror of dad holding newborn
newborn baby toes
new parents smiling while holding new baby
new big sister with hand on baby brother's head
portrait of swaddled newborn
tattooed arm holding newborn
mom and newborn smiling
new parents smiling with newborn snuggled between
dad bottle feeding newborn
parents smiling at newborn
big sister looking at newborn through crib slats
family photo with newborn baby in front of crib
newborn fist
mom laying next to sleeping newborn
girl reading books
dad holding baby's head while parents smiling at newborn
parents hold twin babies