Front Porch Family Photos

A glimpse into the front porch photo project in Decatur, GA. I am a lifestyle family photographer seeking to document the beauty of being together as a family at home in this strange and unsettling time. 

I am in a photography group on facebook, and in the beginning days of the quarantine due to COVID-19, I saw a post from a photographer in the Midwest who posted that she was taking pictures of families on their front porch.

I LOVED the idea.

I decided to take on this project for the month of May once the Shelter in Place order was lifted in the Atlanta area. This was something that excited me as a photographer since I was unable to do my typical lifestyle sessions due to the importance of keeping families safe through social distancing. I saw it as an opportunity to keep my creative juices flowing and offer something to families in this difficult season. My friend down the street volunteered to be my first front porch session and capture these photos of her family.

Front Porch Family Photo. Family of six sitting on their front porch, mom and dad laughing and looking at each other with kids snuggled in close.
Front Porch Family Photo. Family of six sitting on front porch steps looking at each other.

Needless to say, I was hooked and couldn’t wait to start taking more of these! I put the idea out there on my facebook neighborhood page letting them know that they could dress up in fancy clothes or just keep those cozy sweatpants on, however they wanted to document life at this time.

And I was completely blown away with the response. 

Front Porch Family Photo. Twin brothers laughing with arms around each other standing on front porch steps.

I knew that I would enjoy the photography part of this photo project, but the thing that I ended up loving most was the people.

Front Porch Family Photo. Family of five on front porch steps tickling each other and laughing.
Front Porch Family Photo. Family of three sitting smiling on front porch swing with arms around each other.

I met neighbors I didn’t know before and learned a little about their life. 

Front Porch Family Photo. Family of four sitting together on their front porch steps.

Documenting people’s stories, understanding the unique and the collective experiences during this time in their life, as well as looking at their connections with one another is the beauty of family photography.

Front Porch Photo of woman leaning on her front porch railing looking out into her front yard.

If you want your own front porch family photos, then SIGN UP HERE because there are limited spots left.

Front Porch Family Photo. Parents and older son cheers coffee mugs while younger son lays on back below them, looking at me upside down with a smile on his face.

This is just a sneak peek into the project. I will be sharing more soon.

Monica Conlin is a natural light family and newborn lifestyle photographer that specializes in newborn photography, Fresh 48 photography, smash cake photography, maternity photography, and family photography. Monica is based in Decatur, GA and services Decatur and the Atlanta metro area.