What is the Best Time of Day for an Outdoor Photo Session?

The best time of day for a photo session is during what is known as Golden Hour or the Magic Hour. That is the hour before sunset (or after sunrise). This time of day allows for the softest and warmest light.

mom fixing toddler girl’s bow in her hair during a sunset family photo session

This lifestyle family photo session was done in the golden hour of a beautiful fall day.

toddler spinning with the warm sunlight shining through her hair

The open field setting allowed us to fully appreciate the sunset and play with all the golden glow that it gave us. Another amazing way to catch a sunset and all the light in the hour before it is going up higher, like on the mountain in the picture below. Being up at a higher elevation gave us the opportunity to take full advantage of the warm light as it dipped below the horizon.

Maternity Session Photo with pregnant woman smiling down at her baby bump at sunset

So what time does that mean the family photo sessions will take place?

Depending on the time of year, the times for sunset can vary widely. In the Atlanta area the sunset can be as early as 5:30pm in the winter or as late at 9pm in the summertime. I will provide my clients with the times that will allow us to do photos in that magic hour based on the season!

toddler boy with red hair smiling during a golden hour family photo session

Why don’t you take photos in the middle of the day when there is the most light?

In the middle of the day, when the sun is straight overhead, then it creates harsh shadows and extreme lighting conditions for the pictures. That is not the most flattering light for people to be photographed in. So even though there is technically the “most light”, it isn’t the best lighting.

family of four smiling at each other during golden hour

What if the time is past my kid’s bedtime?

First of all, I get it. My kid’s have always gone to bed on the earlier side (we are talking between 6:30-7:30pm depending on their age), and our bedtime routine is a sacred time of day that does not get messed with often. So I think that parent’s with younger children who may be running into the golden hour time period have a few options:

  1. Forget bedtime just this once as something special. You know your own kids and if this option will backfire. Some kids are more flexible and able to stay up later on the rare occasion. If you go for this a few things that may help make it a successful evening is by having them take a nap a little later, make sure they are well fed, and then hype up the specialness of going somewhere after dinner time! “Can you believe we get to go take pictures and stay up later tonight? I am so excited to spend a little extra time with you!”

  2. Or you can book your family photo session during the fall/winter when the sunset (and thus golden hour) is earlier and not to interfere with bedtime.

  3. Talk to me about your children’s nap & bedtimes and I can offer you alternative times, such as an early morning sunrise golden hour shoot.

family walking holding hands with the sun setting behind them

Monica Conlin is a natural light family and newborn lifestyle photographer that specializes in newborn photography, Fresh 48 photography, smash cake photography, school photography, maternity photography, and family photography. Monica is based in Decatur, GA and services Decatur, Atlanta, and the surrounding area.