lifestyle family session

What is the Best Time of Day for an Outdoor Photo Session?

The best time of day for a photo session is during what is known as Golden Hour or the Magic Hour. That is the hour before sunset (or after sunrise). This time of day allows for the softest and warmest light.

mom fixing toddler girl’s bow in her hair during a sunset family photo session

This lifestyle family photo session was done in the golden hour of a beautiful fall day.

toddler spinning with the warm sunlight shining through her hair

The open field setting allowed us to fully appreciate the sunset and play with all the golden glow that it gave us. Another amazing way to catch a sunset and all the light in the hour before it is going up higher, like on the mountain in the picture below. Being up at a higher elevation gave us the opportunity to take full advantage of the warm light as it dipped below the horizon.

Maternity Session Photo with pregnant woman smiling down at her baby bump at sunset

So what time does that mean the family photo sessions will take place?

Depending on the time of year, the times for sunset can vary widely. In the Atlanta area the sunset can be as early as 5:30pm in the winter or as late at 9pm in the summertime. I will provide my clients with the times that will allow us to do photos in that magic hour based on the season!

toddler boy with red hair smiling during a golden hour family photo session

Why don’t you take photos in the middle of the day when there is the most light?

In the middle of the day, when the sun is straight overhead, then it creates harsh shadows and extreme lighting conditions for the pictures. That is not the most flattering light for people to be photographed in. So even though there is technically the “most light”, it isn’t the best lighting.

family of four smiling at each other during golden hour

What if the time is past my kid’s bedtime?

First of all, I get it. My kid’s have always gone to bed on the earlier side (we are talking between 6:30-7:30pm depending on their age), and our bedtime routine is a sacred time of day that does not get messed with often. So I think that parent’s with younger children who may be running into the golden hour time period have a few options:

  1. Forget bedtime just this once as something special. You know your own kids and if this option will backfire. Some kids are more flexible and able to stay up later on the rare occasion. If you go for this a few things that may help make it a successful evening is by having them take a nap a little later, make sure they are well fed, and then hype up the specialness of going somewhere after dinner time! “Can you believe we get to go take pictures and stay up later tonight? I am so excited to spend a little extra time with you!”

  2. Or you can book your family photo session during the fall/winter when the sunset (and thus golden hour) is earlier and not to interfere with bedtime.

  3. Talk to me about your children’s nap & bedtimes and I can offer you alternative times, such as an early morning sunrise golden hour shoot.

family walking holding hands with the sun setting behind them

Monica Conlin is a natural light family and newborn lifestyle photographer that specializes in newborn photography, Fresh 48 photography, smash cake photography, school photography, maternity photography, and family photography. Monica is based in Decatur, GA and services Decatur, Atlanta, and the surrounding area.

Lifestyle Family Photo Session | Cator Woolford Gardens in Atlanta

The Cator Woolford Gardens are a picture perfect place to take photos, and this family was a dream to photograph. This early morning photo shoot allowed for us to explore the gardens and have fun before this summer day in Atlanta got too hot.

Message me to book your own Outdoor Family Photo Session. I can’t wait to document your beautiful family!

Monica Conlin is a natural light family and newborn lifestyle photographer that specializes in newborn photography, Fresh 48 photography, smash cake photography, school photography, maternity photography, and family photography. Monica is based in Decatur, GA and services Decatur and the Atlanta metro area.

Lifestyle Family Photos at Home

Are you moving houses soon?

Whether it is down the street or across the country, a lifestyle family photo session should be part of your moving plan.

I have had the pleasure of photographing several families before they move to a new house. Each family wanted photos of themselves at their current home as a small token of all the good times spent there together.

Honestly, I wish I had more photos of the first home my husband and I bought together. That was where we brought our first baby boy home from the hospital and started the journey into parenthood. We had so many firsts within those walls. We experienced many joys and some heartaches. Within the comfort of home, we were able to grow as people and as a family. 

Family of four holding hands in front of home
Family of four sitting on their front porch steps smiling

I think photographs are one of the best ways to help you remember. Looking at a picture of you sitting on the front steps helps you remember all those times you sat there watching your kids run around in the front yard through the sprinkler or saw their little faces smashed against the window waiting for you to come home from work.

in the family’s kitchen, two boys sit at table to play with playdough while parents watch

These at home sessions are tailored to your own family and are designed to capture what is important to you.

I want to know where you liked to spend their time together, activities the kids loved to do, and the places in your home you never want to forget.

toddler playing with playdough and looking up at the camera smiling

Our homes are filled with memories. As they say, time flies and kids grow up way too fast. We change, we move. But I am in the business of trying to push that pause button, just for a minute. Encourage you to look up and enjoy the place you are in now.

four year old plays with trains on the floor with mom, dad and little brother in the background

One of the things I loved in our first home was the back deck and yard. It was there where we hosted my son’s first and second birthday parties, Easter egg hunts, spent many mornings digging in the dirt, and enjoyed long afternoons splashing in the kiddie pool.

Dad pushing child in tree swing while mom holds little brother, watching

Now, in our new home, our backyard is an oasis filled with squeals and giggles, a hammock, and a temporary pool to keep us cool in the heat of a Georgia summer day.

Dad lifting four year old son in the air, son has big smile on his face

This family’s backyard provided the space and freedom two little boys needed to run free and explore.

Mom looking at toddler girl, standing in front of front door

Do you want to forever capture photos of your first home you lived in together?  The place you saw your baby take their first steps? The porch where you spent summer evenings relaxing as you sipped an ice cold beverage? I’d love to document you and your family in your home.

Father holding daughter in front of front door, both smiling

Monica Conlin is a natural light family and newborn lifestyle photographer that specializes in newborn photography, Fresh 48 photography, smash cake photography, school photography, maternity photography, and family photography. Monica is based in Decatur, GA and services Decatur and the Atlanta metro area.

I am a Lifestyle Family Photographer in the Atlanta area — so what exactly does the term "Lifestyle" mean and is it right for you?

You have decided to take those long overdue family photos and started the hunt for a family photographer. In your search you see the phrases Lifestyle Photography or Lifestyle Newborn and Family Photography used, but are still unclear as to what that style of photography is AND, more importantly, unsure if it is right for you.

I use the term lifestyle photography to mean more natural and emotive family photos. I do not want your newborn and family pictures to be stiff, with fake smiles on your faces and angry threats under your breath to your children to stay still and look at the camera.

Family Photo on Arabia Mountain at sunset

My goal is to document the connection between each family member and provide a photo that helps capture who you are as a family in the moment. 

Dad hold son, both laughing together at a park during a family photo session

Lifestyle doesn’t mean that there is no guidance or direction from me, your photographer!

I will direct you during the shoot with basic instructions like where to sit or stand as well as help you with some poses, but I also encourage you to have fun and enjoy one another's company. I will ask you to look at each other instead of me and think about something you love about them.

Mom and Dad look down, smiling at their yawning newborn baby

The idea is that eventually you forget about me and the big camera in my hands and the attempt to keep that big smile plastered on your face. Instead, you interact with and enjoy the people you are taking your photos with. That is when the genuine emotions come out and unique and special connections shine through.

brother and sister laughing and tickling each other

But what do we do in a lifestyle photo session if not stand, stare and smile at the camera?

During a family photoshoot, I want you to play with your kids, throw them in the air, give them piggyback rides, and feel free to act super silly with them. I encourage you to tell your favorite joke, because I want to snap a picture of the real giggles or eye rolls that follow the bad dad joke. And as a warning, tickle fights tend to break out in these family sessions as well.

Daughter has been tossed high in the air while dad’s arms are reaching out to catch her again

In a newborn lifestyle session, I want you to snuggle in close with your fresh, new baby and smell the sweet scent that newborns have. I want you to breath and take a moment to be enamored with their precious little yawns and tiny little toes. I encourage an older sibling to get to know the newest family member, and ask them to notice how small their hand is in yours or how soft their hair feels.

Big sister gently feels newborn baby brother’s hair during a newborn lifestyle session

Everyone likes a good photo of the whole family looking and smiling. However, these connections, bonds, and memories are important to capture in photographs and what you will want to look back on and remember years from now.

Father holds newborn baby up close so that they are staring in each other’s eyes during a newborn lifestyle session

Click the “Book Now” button at the bottom of the page if you want me to take lifestyle family photos of you and your loved ones!

Monica Conlin is a natural light family and newborn lifestyle photographer that specializes in newborn photography, Fresh 48 photography, smash cake photography, maternity photography, and family photography. Monica is based in Decatur, GA and services Decatur and the Atlanta metro area.